“STASIS” A #ScifaikuSaturday highlights post for 2/19/22

Celia Reaves @Celia_Reaves

racks of stasis pods

no one knows what we will find

on the other side

Alan Vincent Michaels @AlanVMichaels

Yell and kick—for now

Soon, you will be in stasis

Just art on my fridge!

Joe F @frghtndmn

Emerging from

My stasis capsule

I weep

Kelly soitgoes… @kelly_makowski


Illusions of forever

Stasis is but death

Rick Milone @rwmilone

An armed vile stasis

Two orbs with polarized views

Struggle with goodwill

Matt Guntrip @MG_7_9

System in stasis

Mammal unable to act

Emergency tone

Evasive action

Collision avoidance code

No alternative

Initiate break

Mammal must be alerted

Alien alert

Abi Graham @AbiGraham3

Ten years in stasis,

Far from civilization,

I wake up alone.

Paul M @pmll3r


on stasis pod

in fog: ‘PLEH’

Mario D. Kersey @SyntaxPaladin

Emerald dawn shines

upon the jelly pods of drones—

soldiers in stasis

John (jd) @JdeXpressions

star seemed in stasis

solar flare reached third planet

there was no longer

Jenn R-J @jennfel

maintaining stasis

now nearly impossible

viral colony

AntrimCycle @AntrimCycle

Locked in a bubble,

Her cancer is in #stasis

But touch is taboo.

Valery Dion @ValeryKaye

Our lives in stasis

ozone crackles at our backs

galaxies reborn

Jen Anderson @jenanderson731

Suspended in dreams

Body held in safe stasis

Until arrival

Laila Amado @onbonbon7

Crew lies in stasis

Suspended in dreamless sleep

Port of call unknown

Ryan Dowes @RyanDowes

Looked like a flower

when brought out of stasis it

shed moving petals

Ryan Dowes @RyanDowes

Cocooned in stasis

they went hyperluminal

time stretched, space compressed

Denise Carruthers @CattyKoala

sun is not risen

viva la evolution

earthlings in stasis

Sarita Talwai @TalwaiSarita

Mission aborted

This species is in stasis

Hooked to a blue screen.

Hawk&Young @HawkandYoung

 Yell NO, fall to knees

Pause recording, stasis scream

Who stands behind them?

Hawk&Young @HawkandYoung

 arise from stasis

hideous yell – agony

planet pieces float

Julie  @ForgottenBeauty

Salvaged cryopod

Xeno waking from stasis

Mind controlled spaceship

Mark BurningHawk Baxter @MarkBurningHawk

#Stasis field cheats death

You, #naked, vulnerable,

Sleeping forever.

Once upon a Steve @PatchieSteve

Status of Stacey

Statue, silent in space

Sparkling stasis

Mark BurningHawk Baxter @MarkBurningHawk

#Close #stasis chamber,

Sleep among the #naked stars

Til we drift ashore.

Constant Paul @CnstantPaul

green light on your pod

shows that you are still alive

a stasis symbol

Fennel @FennelSteuert

Stasis, hand on switch.

Eyes closed as figures pass pod.

Risking control .. time

A. A. Rubin @TheSurrealAri

Earth: Nothing changes

Everything remains the same


Qualius-super-Mare @strawn_na

Stasis achieved naught

Without becoming we weren’t

Lost in absent noise

Ian Parkin @parkini422

In the stasis field

I am a statue within


Voimaoy @voimaoy

Emerging from stasis

the caterpillar

now a butterfly

Debbie Cribb Owens @CribbOwens

Long voyage from Earth

Mission in stasis for now

Terraform to come

Laura Ockel @ViaZavier

The voyage is done

In a blink I’ve bridged light years

Travel in stasis

Das Deniz @DasDeniz

Stasis forced to end.

Backup batteries are drained.

Bring me back to life.

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