Updated Cover

When looking at our paltry Amazon bookshelf, the previous title sitting there looked terrible. It was shabby, confusing, and a huge turn-off. No one would pick up a book with that cover. It's just an ebook short story, but it still needs to attract attention. So we updated it. This was a free image on... Continue Reading →

Amazon links are LIVE!!

Amazon has approved our paperback version of My Name is Lito Homero. You can find it here if you are in the US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PHBXNR6 If you have a UK, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09PHBXNR6 AU, https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09PHBXNR6 CA, https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09PHBXNR6 etc, change the url as you need it and add the rest beginning with /dp/ The next step is to work... Continue Reading →

Published in an Anthology

Young has been published in an anthology about paranormal encounters! This is a true story, and its message is so positive and encounter so creepy, they put it at the end of the book to cap off the series. His story takes place in the very same St. Vincent's Guest House in New Orleans where... Continue Reading →

Published in Rejected Manuscripts!

Our short story, "Son of Hades", was submitted to Rejected Manuscripts and for one whole year, the public, well, readers of Rejected Manuscripts, voted for their favorites. We teamed up with A. A. Rubin, who also had a rejected manuscript up for votes, and supported each other, asking for votes for each other's works. A.... Continue Reading →

Interview of Jim Doran

Where does your inspiration come from? Where do inspirations come from? Mostly books and movies. My favorite thing to do is dream up some impossible scenario or task for my characters and stick them in the scene to see what they do. When was that moment when you realized that language had power? The moment... Continue Reading →

Patreon Announcement

If you don't know, Patreon is a website where creatives (artists, musicians, writers, podcasters, animators) can get paid for their work. They offer levels, billed monthly, as low as one dollar, and incentives for each level. Having customers forces you to deliver on your promises. Another writer mentioned that he was looking into it and... Continue Reading →


You know what a haiku is, everyone's favorite poem behind a limerick because they are short and make you think or feel, and bonus points for making you laugh. They follow the 5-7-5 syllable scheme. Of course you know what sci-fi is, science fiction, that place between science and completely made up but plausible fantasy... Continue Reading →

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