Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Literally

Lucy, a spacecraft set to visit an unprecedented number of asteroids in an unprecedented flight also will be carrying diamonds. Lucy is named after the partial hominid skeleton found in Ethiopia in 1974. Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and a graduate student discovered a fossil of a human ancestor who had lived 3.2 million years ago. After... Continue Reading →

China’s and USA’s plans to divert asteroid

We're all looking at an asteroid named Bennu. Bennu is believed to be from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but has diverted its course due to sunlight, gravitational pull, and its own expulsions. Bennu is pretty cool, with NASA collecting a sample from the asteroid and bringing it back to Earth. On Monday,... Continue Reading →


What we are talking about is not the teleportation you are thinking of, where you think about going to Fiji and suddenly you are. Remember those CubeSats we send up and had the ISS release? Well one of them was working on Quantum Entanglement. In this case, a small CubeSat satellite, appropriately called SpooQy-1, was... Continue Reading →

First Crime in Space?

Anne McClain, who was supposed to be on the very first all-female spacewalk in March 2019 alongside astronaut Christina Koch, was denied the opportunity when it was canceled due to NASA’s lack of medium-sized spacesuits. McClain took her first spacewalk on March 22, with Nick Hague and her first All-female walk was finally made on... Continue Reading →

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Sound

  In studying Sagittarius A* (the black hole at the center of the Milky Way) and a star close to it in orbit, scientists have concluded through decades of observation that Einstein was right. "Einstein's general relativity predicts that bound orbits of one object around another are not closed, as in Newtonian gravity, but precess... Continue Reading →

Planet “Like Earth” Found

Although Kepler was retired in 2018, the data it collected continues to be analyzed. An exoplanet named Kepler-1649c orbits its star every 19.5 days in the 'goldilocks zone' or at the right distance from the red dwarf to have liquid water. It's 300 lightyears from Earth and therefore difficult to study.  We know Kepler-1649c is... Continue Reading →

K2 18b Has a Damp Atmosphere

In 2015 Kepler found this planet orbiting a red dwarf star some 110 light years from Earth, twice as wide as Earth, and has eight times Earth’s mass. It's not exactly Earth-like, but it does orbit within the habitable zone of that star. In 2016 and 2017 using the Hubble, a team discovered that the... Continue Reading →

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