“JOLT” A #SciFaikuSaturday Highlights Post

Alan Vincent Michaels @AlanVMichaels The Spark of Life Scientists tell us “primeval soup” jolts forged life Chance lightning enough? Debbie Cribb Owens @CribbOwens Jolt to the senses Experimental process Wake up in the past Abi Graham @AbiGraham3 I wake with a jolt, Is it Saturday again? Caught in a time loop. Laila Amado @onbonbon7 Wakes... Continue Reading →

“CLOUD” A #ScifaikuSaturday Compilation Post

Pearse Stagg @PearseStagg Poison cloud Follows my sun No safety Brandon DeGroot @degroob clouded orbit humanity's future above the din #scifaikusaturday (cloud) #haikuchallenge (above) #micropoetry #poetry #haiku #senryu #kigo honneylove.poetry @honneylovepoems Through clouds of vapor Robot uprising has come Only dust settles Margaret Lonsdale @fhaedra Slip into this cloud Wring out its bell drops of... Continue Reading →

Interview of K.R. Garcia

1. How do you rank your writing compared to those you admire? I try not to compare my writing to that of other writers. I believe that everyone has a different writing style and a different perspective on what "good" writing is. That said, my writing is still growing. I'm proud of what I've accomplished,... Continue Reading →


You know what a haiku is, everyone's favorite poem behind a limerick because they are short and make you think or feel, and bonus points for making you laugh. They follow the 5-7-5 syllable scheme. Of course you know what sci-fi is, science fiction, that place between science and completely made up but plausible fantasy... Continue Reading →

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